I really gotta stop talking about cleaning - what is the problem with me??
'But I just had to mention my one other favourite cleaning tool - my microfibre mop.
I find this to be the most environmentally friendly way to clean my floors - I use only about a cup of water to clean all my floors (and I have 'mop-able' floors throughout my house) with not a single drop of any type of chemical / cleaner and my floors always look shiny and clean.
But the very best thing, it is the most simplest and easiest and cost-effective way.
And you can't beat that!
I have had a big clean-out of my DD's rooms - sorting out outgrown clothes, school books and stationary for next year and just general junk! I often declutter their rooms and it is getting easier by doing it fairly regularly.
I'm a huge fan of de-cluttering and trying to keep the clutter down as it makes cleaning soooo much easier.
Now I need to finalise the last of my Christmas shopping and work out what I'm cooking for Christmas day so I may not be around for a while.
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
Earthy Quiche
9 years ago