Okay, so I've been doing some research and asking around. Apparently having a silkie bantam together with an Isa Brown is not a good idea. Isa's supposedly don't accept other chickens from other breeds very well and would probably pick on the silkie.
Now I am a little uncertain which way to go. I really like the Pekins but they don't appear to be much better egg-layers than the silkies. It's a matter of finding a good layer that will happily live with a silkie.
I was visiting someones home today - she keeps her home and garden immaculate - although it's nothing fancy, everything is neat and tidy and clean. She even had cushions on her outdoor chair! We get the easterly winds quite strong where we are located and everything outside gets covered in a fine layer of dust (cushions would not last long in our patio area!) so it's hard to keep it clean looking. Spiders also seem to love our house and we have webs everywhere even though I get rid of them on a regular basis. I couldn't help but think wouldn't it be lovely to have a nice, neat, organised yard like that - what the heck am I doing thinking about getting chickens??!!
It really comes down to the matter of lifestyle choice doesn't it?
I suppose I could look at it like this: Well, my yard/patio never looks tidy anyway because of the constant blowing in of dust and leaves, so I might as well go the whole hog and get the chickens too! LOL Can that be classed as 'positive thinking'?
Earthy Quiche
9 years ago
Hi Karen,
I have two Isabrowns who are very good friends, and good layers. Soon I am hoping to get two more Bantam/Silkie crosses from a friend but they will have a separate coop for sleeping and laying and just share the run in the day time.
x deb
Oh I didn't think to give them a separate house to sleep in! That might just be an option. Thanks a lot deb.
Hi Karen, I think if you google a bit you might be able to find a similar co to Rentachook, I came across one in Queensland once. What state are you in I will check it out for you.
x Deb
sounds like positive thinking to me Karen!
Hi Deb, I live in WA - I tried to find something a while ago now, but didn't have any success - I would be most appreciative if you let me know if you find anything! Thanks heaps.
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